Monday, April 11, 2011

David Ho

In our last class we were talking about race and how it affects our society.  We probably did not realize it, but we all passed judgment fairly easily when we made our baskets for different races in class.  A lot of people related food items, clothes, etc. to people because of their race.  The class was then split into partners.  We were assigned certain people to research and make a PowerPoint to present in class.  My partner, Kristen, and I were given a man named David Ho.  Little did we know when we started looking for information on Ho just how interesting the facts would be about him.  Among all the things Ho has done, we learned that in 1996, he was named “Man of the Year” in Time Magazine.  Ho received this honor because of his breakthrough treatment of AIDS.  He was also well known for his art work.  Looking through pictures of his art work was probably one of my favorite things about this project.  They’re very interesting and he seems to use a lot of different faces to express his artwork.  I’ve enjoyed reading different articles about him and learning about his life as well.  From what we’ve found in our research, Ho seems like a really well rounded man in many areas.  I’m excited to learn about the people that the rest of the class has been researching!

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